Prevention of Lung Cancer when You are at Risk, or when You Already Have Lung Cancer

As the old adage goes, prevention is better than cure! In this topic, we will explore the types of things you should do to prevent or avoid developing lung cancer if you don't already have it. If you do already have it, we will discuss how to minimize the symptoms, live a better life and steps to better pain management. Some reasons why patients could potentially develop lung cancer include exposure to Asbestos or Radon, smoking cigarettes or tobacco related products, second-hand smoke, or if your family member has lung cancer and you are close to that person or through other environmental factors. If your doctor has said you are at risk of developing lung cancer, the first logical step would be to stop smoking if you already do. This is because smoking causes not only lung cancer but also Cancer of the Esophagus, bladder, larynx, pancreas, etc. Quitting smoking has many benefits including more lung capacity, free flow of blood from the lungs to other essential organs of the body, lower blood pressure and more. Although easier said than done, we realize it is difficult to quit smoking in an instance or a matter of months. However, with tools such as gum or nicotine patches and behavioural patterns & lifestyles, this addiction can be lost. 

Screening Lung Cancer & Early Detection Methods
The purpose of screening lung cancer programs is to detect lung cancer at early stages when the symptoms are less, and it has not spread very further in to other organs. Treatments conducted during early stages of lung cancer are less invasive surgically, have a higher survival rate and more successful treatment varieties are available. In a recent statistic, the number of people who had a good 5 year survival rate for their lung cancers that had not localized (had not spread far) was almost 50%. This percent drops to 2% for those people whose lung cancers had metastized (spread far beyond the lungs). Early detection therefore helps saves lives, however currently there is no approved screening test that for sure detects lung cancer. Majority of lung cancers are diagnosed or detected when they are in the late stages meaning they have spread to nearby organs, lymph nodes and lungs. Symptoms include persistent cough, chest pain, difficulty speaking, pneumonia, bronchitis, and sputum filled with blood. People who are at high risk of developing lung cancer include those who are:

  • 60 years of age or older who currently smoke or have a past history of smoking
  • With chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • With previous lung tumors

What are some of the screening techniques to detect lung cancer early on? Here is a list of a few:

  1. Examination of molecular markers in sputum
  2. Bronchoscopy (a technique used to visualize the inside of the airways and lungs).
  3. Computed tomography (CT) scan
  4. Microscopic analysis of Sputum cells

Scientists are also trying to use Chemoprevention agents including certain Vitamins to try to stop the development of lung cancer in patients. A chemoprevention agent is a substance that can repair genetic damages before Cancer develops. Examples of substances that contain Chemoprevention agents include Retinoids and Selenium. Chemopreventive agents are not 100% sure to detect early lung cancer, not even half the chance. Therefore, before you consume any minerals or vitamins containing Chemopreventive agents, be sure to check with your medical doctor.

If You Already Have Lung Cancer
If you already have lung cancer, it is best advised to stop smoking immediately. When you quit smoking, here are the benefits you achieve over time:

  • After 20 minutes - Your blood pressure will drop and heart rate beats will increase.
  • After 12 hours - The amount of Carbon Monoxide in your blood system drops to normal level.
  • After 2 weeks - 3 months - Lung function and circulation of blood from lungs to other organs of the body improves significantly.
  • After 1 - 9 Months - Shortness of breath & coughing decrease, functions of Cilia (small hair-like substances that get rid of Mucus from the lungs) become normal, your lungs become cleaner, and your risk of catching infections decreases.
  • After 1 year - Risk of Coronary heart diseases drops by 50%
  • After 5 years - Risk of Strokes drops to that of a non-smoker who quit smoking 5-15 years ago.
  • After 10 years - Risk of lung cancer death drops by 50% as well risk of mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas or Bladder cancer also drops.
  • After 15 years - Risk of coronary heart diseases becomes that of a non-smoker.

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