Talcum Powder Slows Down Growth of Lung Cancer Tumors

In a recent study published in the European Respiratory Journal in April 2009, it was discovered that a substance known as talcum powder stimulates the production of healthy cells to produce a substance known as endostatin which is considered to be a revolutionary treatment for metastatic lung cancer. Endostatin is an anti-cancer chemotherapeutic agent that consists of protein fibers and is usually released by malignant tumors themselves. Endostatin has the ability to stop cell division, especially the fast growth of cancer tumor cells and also slows down the growth of new blood vessels. This research study was conducted by scientists at the University of Florida’s Science & Research department.

Veena Antony, M.D. and professor of pulmonary & critical care medicine at UF’s College of Medicine quotes, “We found, to our surprise, that talc causes tumor growth to slow down and actually decreases the tumor bulk. Talc is able to prevent the formation of blood vessels, thereby killing the tumor and choking off its growth. The tumors appeared to grow much slower and in some cases completely disappeared.” The image on the left is of the structure of Endostatin which was first discovered in 1997 to dramatically shrink tumors in mice by blocking angiogenesis or blood-vessel formation and stopping the supply of blood to malignant cancer tumors. Also unlike chemotherapy drugs that have the tendency to kill not only cancerous or malignant cells but also healthy cells (which then causes side effects due to the lower number of healthy cells in the body), Endostatin does not have toxicity because it presents itself around the blood vessel linings and does not interfere with other nearby cells.

Talcum powder, in short known as talc is a very soft mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate and is used most frequently for treating baby rashes and irritation from diapers. The primary function of talc is for skincare as it has the ability to suck up moisture from the skin and clean the skin dry. This reduces irritation on the skin as well as formation of rashes as well as chafing from sweat, urine, and other bodily secretions. Although scientists have used talc to treat respiratory problems that occur due to the spread of cancer, it is only until recently that it has come to be known that talc also helps in slowing down growth of cancer tumors, as well as helps get rid of ascites of fluids in the pleura.

Most cancer patients tend to have fluids accumulate around the surface of the lungs, between the lungs and the chest wall; also known as pleural effusions. Pleural effusion is the abnormal accumulation of fluid-like substances around the pleura which is the area between the parietal and visceral pleura that covers the lungs and surrounds the chest walls. To remove the pleural fluids from the lungs, medical doctors insert talc powder in to the chest cavity to seal the empty space between the parietal & visceral pleura and to irritate the tissues to stop further fluids from accumulating in that space (the pleural cavity). This helps in stopping the symptom of shortness of breath. Dr. Veena Antony quotes, “Shortness of breath is a horrible way to die. The procedure spares the patient and the family the misery of watching their loved one suffer. It’s been used very extensively in Europe but it’s had slower acceptance (in the United States), perhaps because of the need to learn a new technology.” The image on the left shows fluids building up in the pleural space and how talc in inserted in to the space to patch up the empty space and stop further accumulation of fluids.

This entire procedure is known as medical thoracoscopy and medical doctors say patients who undergo this therapy have a longer life survival rate of 18 months than patients who do not undergo this. The unique properties that enable this huge survival rate of life are the fact that talc has some excellent chemical properties that scars the fluids around the lungs. As well, lung linings and cells around this area are stimulated by the presence of talc to produce Endostatin which can fight against and kill cancer cells as well as stop the growth of blood vessels.

What should you do before receiving Talc?
Here are some precautions you must take before receiving talc in your chest cavity.
  1. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant soon or are breast-feeding.
  2. Inform your doctor if you have ever had other medical conditions that could undermine the performance of talc.
  3. Inform your doctor of any prescription medicines, non-prescriptions, herbals, vitamins or supplements that you are already receiving, so as to make aware of any possible conflicts between talc and any of these medicines that you are having.
  4. Inform your doctor if you are allergic to talc.

Side effects of Talc Substance
Common side effects of having talc substances include:
  • Bleeding in the area where port & cathether was inserted in to the chest
  • Feeling of pain
  • Dizziness & fainting
  • Coughing up blood
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain or pressure in the chest
  • Fast heartbeats

If you ever have an overdose of talc, be sure to call your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. Their website can be found at www.aapcc.org/DNN - American Association of Poison Control Centers.

Important Citations
The diagram of the pleural effusions is courtesy of CancerHelp UK, visit their website @www.cancerhelp.org.uk

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